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Services provided by Pba will allow you to successfully overcome the problems faced by the top-managers of many companies:
- Imperfect management system, organizational and information structure;
- Shortage of internal and external investment resources;
- Increased investment and production risks;
- Low competitiveness of the company;
- Drawbacks in the employee’s motivation structures and insufficient orientation of personnel to the company’s strategic goals;
- Inefficient logistical chains ;
- Weakly structured and uncontrolled information streams;
- Absence of a uniform information space.
Major results of completed projects:
- Increased efficiency and quality of management decisions;
- Comprehensiveness and reliability of financial and administrative management;
- Reduction of production and investment risks;
- Ensuring investment appeal of the company;
- Higher speed of development and introduction of new products;
- Increased effectiveness of sales system;
- Reduction of operational costs and production prices;
- Opportunity to introduce progressive methods of payment and employee incentives;
- Uniform information space of the company.